Team Captain:
Lloyd Brown - 20
Team Members:
Alun Watkins - 14
Dan Gilbert - 20
David Cox - 24
Gareth Griffiths - 14
Glenn Prested - 23
James Bailey - 28
Paul Cobb - 11
Rob Atha - 18
Tim Lloyd - 19
Team Captain:
Marcus Dunk - 16
Team Members:
Adrian Edmonds - 36
Ben Mason - 11
Corin Holness - 14
Frankie Pankhurst - 18
Ian Payne - 28
Josh Pankhurst - 9
Pete Smith - 31
Simon Kelly - 34
Tom Budd - 10
Room 1: Ben & Paul
Room 2: Dan & Lloyd
Room 3: Corin & Tim
Room 4: Marcus & Pete
Room 5: Simon & Buddy
Room 6: Coxy & Atha
Room 7: Ade & Glenn
Room 8: Frankie & Josh
Room 9*: Alun & Gareth
Room 10: Ian & James
* this is the only room that starts on Saturday, all other rooms start on Friday
Winning Team: £30 per person
Winner: £50
2nd Place: £30
3rd Place: £20
2s Pot
Winner: £30
2nd Place: £20
3rd Place: £10
Day Winner: £10
NP: £10
NP2: £10
LD: £10
Par 3s: £10
(combined Stableford score across the Par 3s)
2s Pot: Entry into the Put Off on Day 3
(putting comp will be held on Day 3 with all those who have had a '2' on Day 1, 2 or 3)
All meet at 1st Tee for Europa Course
1st Tee Time on Europa course
Please ensure that scores are submitted to Tom or Alun prior to leaving the course / bar!
Dinner at La Terrazza
All meet at 1st tee for Asia course
1st Tee Time on Asia course
Please ensure that scores are submitted to Tom or Alun prior to leaving the course / bar!
Chill out and drinks by the pool
Meet at resort reception for taxis to El Olivio restaurant
All meet at 1st tee for America course
1st Tee Time on America course
Immediately after golf
Prize ceremony and 2s Put-Off competition
Meet at resort reception for taxis to El Jinete restaurant