NP - Gareth
NP2 - Rob
NP3 - Lloyd
LD - Simon
2s Pot - Adam; Simon T; Alun
Individual Scores
Lloyd Brown - 42
Ian Payne - 40
Alun Watkins - 38
Tim Lloyd - 36
Paul Appleby - 34
Gareth Griffiths - 34
Tom Budd - 34
Ben Mason - 34
Richard Bailey - 33
Marcus Dunk - 33
Simon Turner - 32
Rob Atha - 32
Peter Smith - 32
Dave Horner - 31
Adam Scott - 29
Frankie Pankhurst - 28
Simon Kelly - 28
James Bailey - 28
Paul Cobb - 25
Matt Punter - 25
Welly Jones - 24
David Cox - 23
Dan Gilbert - 22
Ray Legge - 2
Boat Race
Team Paul
Day 1 Team Scores
Team Marcus 5 - 2 Team Paul
NP - Frankie
NP2 - Tim
NP3 - Not Won
LD - Tim
2s Pot - Not Won
Individul Scores
Rob Atha - 41
Simon Kelly - 37
Ian Payne - 36
Dan Gilbert - 35
David Cox - 32
Marcus Dunk - 31
Adam Scott - 31
Welly Jones - 30
Gareth Griffiths - 29
Paul Cobb - 28
Frankie Pankhurst - 28
Peter Smith - 28
Paul Appleby - 28
Simon Turner - 27
Richard Bailey - 27
James Bailey - 27
Matt Punter - 26
Lloyd Brown - 26
Tim Lloyd - 26
Tom Budd - 25
Ben Mason - 22
Alun Watkins - 21
Dave Horner - 19
Ray Legge - 0
Individual Matches
Dan G beat Alun - win for Team Paul
Welly beat Gareth - win for Team Paul
Marcus beat Paul A - win for Team Marcus
Paul C beat Ben - win for Team Paul
Simon T beat Buddy - win for Team Marcus
Lloyd and Matty halved - halved match
Rob beat Cody - win for Team Marcus
Ian beat Simon K - win for Team Marcus
James and Pete halved - halved match
Tim beat Rich B - win for Team Paul
Ray (Frankie) beat Adam - win for Team Paul
Dave H beat Frankie - win for Team Marcus
Day 2 Team Scores
Team Marcus 6 - 6 Team Paul
Ian Payne - 76
Rob Atha - 73
Lloyd Brown - 68
Simon Kelly - 65
Marcus Dunk - 64
Gareth Griffiths - 63
Tim Lloyd - 62
Paul Appleby - 62
Richard Bailey - 60
Peter Smith - 60
Adam Scott - 60
Alun Watkins - 59
Tom Budd - 59
Simon Turner - 59
Dan Gilbert - 57
Ben Mason - 56
Frankie Pankhurst - 56
David Cox - 55
James Bailey - 55
Welly Jones - 54
Paul Cobb - 53
Matt Punter - 51
Dave Horner - 50
Ray Legge - 2
Team Marcus 11 - 8 Team Paul