Autumn 2020 has seen a cancelled La Cala swapped to a trip to the Belfry (1st world problems!!)
Tour organiser Ben has put a top notch schedule together. Details below...
There are 2 teams of 5, with each individual having a starting handicap:
Team Europe:
Team USA:
Handicaps will be adjusted each day and posted in the results section below
Here are the designated rooms:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Daily Competitions:
Winning Player
Longest Drive
Nearest Pin in 2
Nearest the Pin
Additional Prizes
Winning Team: £100
Winning Player: £40
Handicaps will be adjusted from their starting position each day based on the following daily finishing positions:
1st = -15% [round down]
2nd = -10% [round down]
3rd = -5% [round down]
4th = remains the same
5th = remains the same
6th = remains the same
7th = remains the same
8th = +5% [round up]
9th = +10% [round up]
10th = +15% [round up]
Course: Derby
Team1: Ben [11]; Glen [18]; Simon [26]
Team2: Lloyd [18]; Dave [19]; Ade [28]
Team3: Alun [23]; Dan [21]; Paul [7]; Rob [20]
Vs Competiti...
Course: Derby
Course: Wishaw Golf Club
Teams (Adjusted for HCP changes):
Team1: Ade [25]; Lloyd [18]; Paul [7]
Team2: Ben [10]; Rob [17]; Dan [24]
Team3: Glen [18]; Alun [23]; Dave [...
Course: Wishaw Golf Club
Course: The Brabazon
Teams (Adjusted for HCP changes):
Team1: Rob [17]; Dave [20]; Dan [22]
Team2: Ade [27]; Simon [39]; Glen [18]
Team3: Ben[8]; Paul[7]; Alun[26];...
Course: The Brabazon
Course: PGA National
Teams (Adjusted for HCP changes):
Team1: Glen [20]; Lloyd [19]
Team2: Simon [35]; Dave [20]; Paul [7]; Rob [17]
Team3: Ben [7]; Dan [18]; Alun ...
Course: PGA National
Team Scores:
Europe 587 vs USA 614
Individual Winner:
Congratulations USA and Ben!